Soul of the World pre-orders
The moment has arrived.
My album Soul of the World is now available for pre-orders on Bandcamp.
Pre-order here:
Buying the album on Bandcamp now (before it releases on Spotify, etc) not only supports me, but all sales on Bandcamp also get reported to the wider music charts...
This is a great way for Soul of the World to get out there.
I am hoping these songs spread far and wide.
So I am calling in as much support on Bandcamp as possible.
With the pre-order, you get 4 tracks in advance, then the rest of the songs on Jan 1, 2025 when the album releases across all streaming platforms.
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I have little words right now, but I can't believe this baby has finally made its way out of the womb.
I am so grateful for how much of a group effort this album became on all levels — financially, creatively, emotionally.
My hope is that, underneath the words and sounds, Soul of the World sinks into many hearts and souls as a reminder of the world we all know in the core of our being.
May that world continue to bloom from our insides out, at all costs.
Thank you to Nigel, Hamish, and Hayden for saying yes to helping my note move from individual to band, only to make my individual song more clear.
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To Feiyah, for bringing your voice into this, meeting me and loving me in a stable bedrock between fragile human and crazy soul.
To Laura, for our cosmic allyship, and the first proof meeting another kamikaze soul in the midst of human relationship, no matter how hard things got.
To my blood family, for the love you've poured into my being from day one, always supporting me even when it worried you.
To my soul family and fellow kamikaze beings who cannot help but stay on the train. I can't tell you how much I love you.
To the web of everyone I have loved and everyone who has loved me.
To Highden Temple, my home, shrine, and burning ground.
To Bruce and Winter, for the beautiful, harrowing relief of love, companionship, and adventure.
And to everyone I have not named - you know who you are.
May we all continue to sound the note.